在这部大明王朝1566剧情/历史/古装片中,本剧讲述的是嘉靖与海瑞的故事。嘉靖三十九年,贪墨横行、民不聊生。奸臣严嵩(倪大红 饰)党羽密布、权倾朝野,清官海瑞(黄志忠 饰)不惧强权,敢于向腐朽封建的皇权发起挑战。皇帝朱厚熜(陈宝国 饰)练道修玄二十载,始终把控着大明朝的军政、经济大权。当时的中国经济发达,市井文化也算繁荣,但社会各阶层矛盾突出,国家大面积实施的土地兼并使千百万农民一夜之间失去了赖以生存的土地。严嵩的专权引起了地方各级官员的不满,“倒严”之声甚嚣尘上,从上至下、从里到外,从朝廷到地方官府,到处充斥着尔虞我诈、勾心斗角的血雨腥风。忠臣良将与乱臣贼子纷纷登上了当时的历史舞台......
This is the story of the Ming emperor Jiajing and Hai Rui story. At that time, China's economy developed and its culture became prosperous. However, the social contradictions are prominent, and the State implements the plan of land annexation. A large number of peasants have lost their land. A traitor Yan Song caused dissatisfaction of local officials.Therefore, the activities of the overthrow of Yan Song broke out, and the palace was full of intrigue and struggle. loyal courtier and the treacherous have boarded the stage of history.
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【720p高清中文字幕】大明王朝1566迅雷下载.2007.全集.torrent | ||
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大明王朝1566.480P.DVD.人名地名.精校字幕.全集.7z | ASS/SSA | 简体中文字 | |
大明王朝1566.480P.人名地名.精校字幕.第31-35集.7z | ASS/SSA | 简体中文字 | |
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